Justine Hui
Communication Acoustics Lab, Speech Research @ UoA, University of Auckland

I completed my conjoint BE(1st class Hons) in Computer Systems Engineering and BA(Hons) (BA in Linguistics and Japanese and BA(Hons) in Asian Studies) at the University of Auckland. This was followed by several years in industry at IBM (project at Unitec/Air NZ), while I obtained a ME with A/P Catherine Watson on speech synthesis for healthcare robots. I received my PhD at Sophia University, Japan, at the Speech Communication Lab under Prof. Takayuki Arai on the relationship between hearing deficits and speech and melody perception.
For my postdoctoral fellowship, I was involved in examining how language familiarity affects our understanding of speech in different acoustic environments at the Communication Acoustics Lab while being involved in the MPAi (Māori pronunciation aid) project on developing a computer interface based application for users to learn and improve their Māori vowel pronunciation based on their speech acoustics. Now I lecture at the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at Uni of Auckland.
My current research interests include speech perception and production of hearing impaired listeners and 2nd language listeners, hearing sciences and assistive technologies, using virtual acoustics to examine our perception in daily acoustic conditions, and phonetics focusing on Japanese and te reo Māori. I also enjoy scrolling through statistical/R related tweets/posts and like experimenting with data visualisation (mainly speech related data).
Some days I will post some of the tools that I use to make my analyses/tasks more easily.